Halloween is almost here!!
This month, throughout Hop Step Jump there’s a Halloween theme.
We’ve decorated the classroom and the students are excited to see our decorations.
みんな、僕たちの飾りを見てとってもわくわくしてくれてるね! すごく嬉しいよ^^
We wanted to know how much the students know about Halloween. So I gave them a chance to tell me. I asked them, “What do you know about Halloween?”
This is what one class came up with.
I was surprised because they actually know quite a lot!
After we read through a book together.
Have you ever heard of this book, “Halloween is ……….”?
「この本について聞いたことある? ハロウィンは…」
It can help students to understand Halloween more.
They were interested about how to make a Jack-o-lantern.
それから、どうやってジャック- オ- ランタンをつくるのか、みんなすっごく興味津々だった。
Some of them want to try and make one of their own.
何人かは、自分でジャック- オ- ランタンをつくってみたいって言ってたね!
I wonder if we’ll have the chance to make them this year?
今年、みんなで一緒にジャック- オ- ランタンをつくれるチャンスあるかな?