Hello everyone, and a happy new year!
This year we hope to start something new with our students.
We want to give them the chance to meet people from different countries around the world. Because of the time difference, it’s difficult to arrange classes with students from different schools around the world, so I have been trying to find something different.
Our students in the 5th and 6th grade have learnt lots of English vocabulary and phrases, so now we need to encourage them to use the English that they know. We are going to try and find penpals!

Some classes have already written to students in Switzerland, Malaysia and Spain, and I have sent their letters. We are waiting for their replies.
By having a pen pal, we hope students can be motivated to write in English, think about what they really want to say, learn about different cultures around the world and make new friends.
It’s only the beginning of our penpal project but I hope the students will enjoy trying something new.