Hiya it’s Logan!
I have a question about birthdays! How do you celebrate your birthday? Do you plan a party? Do you eat cake? What is an important birthday? Do you like your birthday?
When I was a kid I was always so excited for my birthday. Every year I would think of a theme for my birthday party. One year I had an Avril Lavigne themed birthday party. I also really liked swimming growing up so I would often have a birthday party at my local swimming pool! I would invite all my friends and we would have so much fun. When I was young I could never understand why adults weren’t excited for their birthdays.

I just turned 30 on June 1st. However, I was not so excited about my birthday this year. I think many people feel the same way when turning a milestone age. Milestone ages mean big numbers like 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 and so on. Milestone birthdays often have a lot of meaning and can feel very important. I was nervous to turn 30, but, luckily with the help of my friends and family, I had a fantastic birthday.

On June 1st my husband surprised me after coming home from work. He blew up so many balloons and he decorated our whole apartment. When I came home he yelled “HAPPY BIRTHDAY.” It was so funny and I will never forget it. We ate cake and talked about my goals for being 30.
旦那さんがHAPPY BIRTHDAY!!って叫んで出迎えてくれたときはもうほんとおもしろくって、絶対忘れられない誕生日になりました。ケーキを食べながら30歳の抱負とかを話しました。
I was so fortunate to recieve so many thoughtful gifts from people. My Mom and Dad sent me a package of birthday cards that they have saved from all my birthdays since I was 5. It was amazing to look back at all the cards people had given or made for me over the years. It made me cry. From my wonderful co-workers at Hop Step Jump, they gave me a whole bunch of sailor moon goods! I was so happy, I love sailor moon and I love pink. It made me feel like I was turning 13 not 30 😀! I was even so lucky to get some presents from my students ❤️. I am so grateful and I want to seriously thank everyone for their amazing kindness.
See you next time!