In my opinion, there is nothing better than hearing children laughing or seeing joy on students’ faces. In my classes of course teaching English is my target, however, my goal when teaching is to spread joy and laughter as well. I often try to achieve this goal through playing. I think that happiness and laughter are essential to learning, especially when learning a language.

Learning a second language can be very scary at times. I know this from my personal experience. I’ve taken language classes in French, Spanish, and Japanese. Sometimes in these classes, I would get so nervous to make a mistake or I would feel so embarrassed to speak in class. Ultimately, this was a problem for me, it stopped my learning and I started to feel like learning the language was impossible. In my classes, I never want my students to feel this way about English.

I love playing games in my classes because students can often be playing games, having fun, not even realizing that they are learning! The famous child psychologist Jean Piaget once said, “play is the work of children.” Basically what this means is that by playing, children are learning about themselves and the world around them, which includes English. Sometimes as adults, we forget how important playing is, it’s not the opposite of learning but is part of learning. I think this applies to a lot of different ages, not just children. When we are having fun and enjoying ourselves we open ourselves up to new experiences. Then when we make mistakes while having fun, the consequences feel much smaller, and while no one likes to make mistakes, they are a part of the learning process.
私たちは楽しんでいるとき、新しい経験に対して心をオープンにします。 ミスをしてもそれが楽しいことであるなら、それはとても小さいことのように感じることができるし、失敗は誰もがしたくないと思うと思うけど、それも学習過程の一部であると言えます。

So this often means that in my classes even when we’re not playing games, I’m still trying to create a playful atmosphere. I’m usually joking with students, making funny faces, or laughing at myself when I make mistakes. I’ve also thrown a dance party or two. I think maybe sometimes students might think Logan is so silly, or Logan is like a big kid. I want students to trust me as a teacher but also trust that I will make sure they feel safe and excited about their English journey. I want them to leave my class and think “Wow, that was fun. I learned a lot and I laughed a lot too.”
クラス内でゲームをしていないときも、私は遊び心のある雰囲気を作ろうと努めています。生徒たちに冗談を言ったり、変な顔をしてみたり、何かを間違えた時も笑顔をキープ! ダンスパーティーなんかも1、2回やりました(笑)。 時にこどもたちは「ローガンはバカだなぁ」だと思うかもしれないし、ローガンは大きな子供のようだと思うかもしれない。 でもこどもたちには、教師としての私を信頼してほしいから、英語の旅に安心してついてきてほしいし、ワクワクする気持ちになれるようにしたいと強く思います。 こどもたちがレッスンを終えて、「あぁ、楽しかった!今日もいっぱい勉強して、いっぱい笑った」って言いながら、教室を出て行ってほしいなっていつも思っています。