Halloween Party 2014 ②

Hi guys!
Thank you for those who came to the Hop Step Jump Halloween party.
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

The children looked fantastic in their halloween costumes.
You guys had some great ideas.

I was really impressed with the bags and costumes which you made with you children.
Thank you to the mums and dads who joined in the fun by wearing costumes themselves.
It really adds something to the atmosphere of the party.

When the children walked during the fashion parade, they looked nervous but parents looked happy.
Myself and Eve were really impressed with the children too, because we didn’t really practice in the lessons.
Well done to K-chan and T- Kun for guessing the correct number of ‘pumpkins’.
There were actually ’35 little pumpkins’ in that box! Unbelievable ‘trick’ I know!

Which game was the most popular?

Witches Kitchen?

Minion Smash?

Did you splat the rat?

Thank you to the Yaizu and Fujieda students who helped us to make giant pumpkin lottery and the pinatas.
You did a great!

“Do you want to make pumpkin?…..NOOOOOOOOO!”

The kids sang the songs better than I had imagined.
We practiced in some of the classes but the amount of time we spent practicing varied.
Eva and I were really proud of the children, after running around playing games and getting candy, they must have been tired!
After the event, several volunteers commented on the English ability of the students.
They were complimented on their ability to answer questions clearly.
Although the Halloween party should be fun, it should also be used as an opportunity to make new friends and talk in English with people other than myself and Eve, I’m happy most of you took that opportunity.
Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped us out this year.
We couldn’t have done it without you! Every year more and more people are joining, which means we find ourselves needing more and more volunteers! If you’d like to help us out next year, please, please, please let us know!
So that’s it for Halloween in 2014.
We hope you enjoyed it with Hop Step Jump.
We certainly had a lot of fun!
Thank you!

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    藤枝スタジオ 藤枝市志太1丁目6−7